Sector Seminar: Energy Transition

Renewable energy, sector coupling, district heating
Hamburg / Northern Germany and Copenhagen / Denmark - are frontrunners in the development of efficient and integrated renewable energy solutions – with fast-growing shares of renewables being integrated into the energy systems. In Northern Germany, strong development agendas are being pursued within the “Norddeutsche Energiewende 4.0 (NEW 4.0)”, and its successor project – Norddeutsches Reallabor Energiewende. In Denmark, the overall climate goal of 70% reductions in CO2 emissions by 2030 is a driver for further acceleration in renewables and energy efficiency.
Sector coupling is already at an advanced state optimizing synergies between electricity, heat, gas, industry, and transport. Multiple storage solutions are being explored and developed for future use. Meanwhile at city level, much work takes place to further enhance and expand the district heating networks and use them as a means for further integration of renewable energy, storage, flexibility and efficiency in the energy system.

Green Energy and Innovative District Heating

13.00   Introduction and welcome by moderator
Hans Peter Slente, Senior Advisor, Danish Energy Industries Federation
13.05   Christian Heine, CEO, Hamburg Wärme GmbH
13.15   Sebastian Averdung, CEO, Averdung Ingenieure & Berater GmbH and Chairman of Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster Agency
13.25   Anton Koller, Divisional President District Energy & Buildings, Danfoss
13.35   Frank Scholdann Lund, Head of Strategy and Marketing, Aalborg Energie Technik
13.45   Debate – Panel and Audience
14.10          End of session


Renewable Energy and Sector Coupling

14.30   Introduction and welcome by moderator
Reiner Perau, CEO, German-Danish Chamber of Commerce
14.35   Christian Heine, CEO, Hamburg Wärme GmbH
14.45   Dr. Tim Meyer, Member of the Board, Naturstrom AG
14.55   Poul Skjærbæk, Head of Innovation and Products, Siemens Gamesa Ren. Energy
15.05   Prof. Jakob Østergaard, DTU Electrical Engineering, Technological University of Denmark
15.15   Debate – Panel and Audience
15.40   End of session

Main sponsors
