Sector Seminar: Digital Health

Companies in Germany and Denmark are at the forefront of working with digital health solutions and cooperating with the health sector. The digital transformation is a positive development both for the patients and for the costs of running an economically efficient health sector in the Hamburg and Copenhagen region. Digital solutions from German and Danish companies can improve the economy of the health sector further, reduce CO2 emissions and contribute to green growth.


Introduction and welcome by the moderator
Dr. Florian Brill, Chairman of the Health Economy Committee of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and Managing Partner at Bill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie


Digital transformation of Germany’s healthcare system
Prof. Jörg Debatin, Health Innovation Hub, Germany


The Danish Digital Health Strategy 2018-2022
Jesper Grønbæk, CEO, Health Tech Hub Cph

13:30   H3-Health Harbour Hamburg, the cross-sector cooperation model for a digital patient journey
Henning Schneider, CIO Asklepios
13.40   Service logistics based on Radio-Frequency IDentification, RFID and Internet of Things, IOT
Jacob Christian Nygaard, Senior Manager, Business Development, Systematic A/S
13.50   Panel debate and Q & A  
14:05   Conclusion by moderator
14.10   End of session

Main sponsors
