United Nations
Webinar: Explore the German Health Care Sector
Free of charge
30.11.2023 · 14:00
30.11.2023 · 16:30

Online B2B-Meetings - 30. November

Meet Companies and Experts from Germany’s Health Care Sector

On monday, 30. November,  the German-Danish Chamber of Commerce invited you on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action to meet experts and companies from the German Health Sector.

Find the links to the recordings below.

Part I:

Part II:



This opportunity was exclusively arranged for UN procurement officers and business development staff. The participation was fully organized by the German-Danish Chamber of Commerce. This year’s format was online.

The B2B-Meetings were intended to inform the decision-makers of the UN about key industries in Germany as well as to introduce the UN procurement system to German companies. The aim was also to motivate German companies to register on the UN Global Marketplace (UNGM) and participate in UN tenders.

The health care industry plays an important role for Germany as a business location. Besides the general health care services, the German health sector distinguishes itself by focusing on the development of innovative high-tech products in the field of medical technologies and pharmaceuticals as well as new treatments and examination methods.

Due to direct or indirect connections to other economic fields the additional value created throughout the whole value chain amounts to around 303 billion euros. With a growing digitalization focus the industry positions itself strongly for the future. The sector aims towards climate neutrality by 2030 as health protection means climate protection.

The industrial subfield of the health sector creates an added value of 20.6 percent to the health sector and includes medicinal products, pharmaceuticals as well as retail and wholesale services. Furthermore, it encompasses products for health care providers, extended trading services, investments in construction and devices for e-health and digital applications.

The MedTech sector is one of the most important economic drivers of the country with an aggregated revenue of 36 billion euros.

  • In 2021 the gross added value of the health sector in Germany was 391,8 billion euros and displayed an average growth rate of 3,8% per year.
  • According to calculations of the Federal Ministry of Health the German market comprises around 400.000 medicinal products, varying from equipment for diagnostics, sterilization to operational material.
  • The export volume of the German health care economy amounted to around 158 billion euros in 2021 which equals over 11 percent of all German exports.
  • In particular, the pharmaceutical and medical product sector contributed a total amount of 95 billion euros and with that around 75 percent of the export value of the sector in 2020. The export volume and quota concerning the medicinal technology industry were at about 26 billion euros and 67 percent respectively in 2022.