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Climate Talk and Energy Dialogue on Decarbonizing the (Heavy) Industry

  • Event

21. November 2024 | Esbjerg, Dänemark | Rückblick

CO2 Energie

On 21 November we hosted the Climate Talk and German-Danish Dialogue on Energy Transition at our Legal Partner DAHL's office in Esbjerg together with the German Embassy. The event brought together experts and stakeholders to address one of the most pressing challenges of our time: accelerating the green transition within the industrial sector.

At the Climate Talk we discussed challenges and solutions for the German and Danish industries. We talked about different decarbonization strategies as well as the potentials of the German-Danish partnership and technologies such as hydrogen and CCUS. Prof. Dr. Pascal Hector, the German Ambassador to Denmark, set the stage with an introduction. Jesper Petersen, Member of the Folketing, The Social Democratic Party, Spokesman on Climate, Energy and Utilities, Michael Lundgaard Thomsen, Director, Aalborg Portland A/S, Hans Brask, Senior Vice President, European Energy, Lars Henrik Riis, Sales and Business Development Manager, Siemens Energy A/S joined the panel discussion moderated by Søren Bjørn-Hansen, Founder, Klimajournalisterne.

At the Energy Dialogue, we have dived deeper into the German-Danish border region. We discussed the role of regional collaboration and the impact of hydrogen projects within the German-Danish border region. Annegret Brauss, Head of Business Development, MorGen Energy, Hanne Klintøe, Head of PtX Development, Aabenraa Municipality, Dennis Jul Pedersen, CEO, Esbjerg Havn, Joschka Knuth, State Secretary, Schleswig-Holstein Ministry for Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature joined the panel discussion moderated by Andreas Wenzel, CEO, German-Danish Chamber of Commerce.

We thank all participants, speakers, and our partner DAHL for their contributions to the success of the event.




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